There is wireless internet on site. It's nice, in a way, but I don't really like it. This experience is super different with power (solar panels) and internet. With that said, this post won't be long, but I wanted to share a few pictures (scratch that, only one.) with you all.
I wish it was bigger, but rather than uploading again, this will have to do.
wow that's a pretty nice picture.
having internet is kinda cool, but i don't think I'd want to use it too much either.
good to hear about your escapades though
BEAUTIFUL! It seems like you're enjoying Tanzania already...which I knew you would. Things are definitely not the same here without you. I miss you! I can't wait to hear and see more about your amazing adventure. Also, FYI I was wearing your One Heart Source shirt yesterday and some guy commented "nice shirt"
you know what's cool? seeing that picture and knowing that around the world people are watching a sunset that can be nearly identical to one that we see say here, in CA. pretty humbling
I'm glad you and Michael aren't abusing the internet. It would definitely be a different experience were you connected.
Is there a good time to call you? Daddy got a calling card, but I want to make sure I can catch you!
They are so lucky to have you guys there. Conversely, you are also very lucky to be be there and to have the opportunity to interact with that community. Everybody wins!
I miss you, but I'm sure you're making good use of your time. Love you!
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