Sunday, August 10, 2008

Our reasons, our purposes, their lives

Hey guys it's Michael,

If you had asked me 3 months ago the first things that came to my mind when I heard or saw the word "Tanzania", I probably would have thought of the following things:
1. Africa
3. Ethnic Cleansing
4. Leonardo DiCaprio in Blood Diamond (hey, it's a good movie)

3 months later, the things that now come to my head when I hear "Tanzania" are much different. I, like many around me, have been somewhat ignorant to the problems that plague the African continent. Today, I am much more educated in the problems that plague the specific nation of Tanzania. Looking back at my old list, number one of my list still works. Tanzania is most definitely in Africa, Sub-Sahara Africa to be specific. Numbers 3,4 on the other hand..ehhh..not so much. There is, however, currently violence in neighboring Kenya, but Tanzania has not been the breeding ground for many racial wars. Blood Diamond was definitely set in Africa, but more than 1000 miles away from Tanzania. Set in Seirra Leone, Blood Diamond has nothing to do with Tanzania.

Number 2 on the list..a totally different story. AIDS is a huge problem in Tanzania and I'd like to post some numbers from the OHS site just to show how big and how devasting of a problem HIV/AIDS has been in the nation of Tanzania and inform you guys a little about why I am going to Tanzania.

-In Tanzania alone, there are currently 2.4 million orphans, with 1.1 million of them orphaned by HIV/AIDS. Tanzania is the country with the second highest number of orphans due to the epidemic worldwide. It is projected that by 2010 there will be 2.9 million orphans, and increasing numbers for at least the next decade.

-6.5% of the population between 15-49 is HIV positive.

-Currently there are 52 orphanages caring for 3000 children in Tanzania. NONE are community-based programs that foster academic and practical education, life skills, and community leadership development.60% of females will turn to prostitution, and 80% of males become incarcerated at least once within three years.

-On the streets of Arusha, Tanzania, with every square mile there are more than 1,200 orphaned street kids.

-Mother-to-child transmission of HIV accounts for 18% of newly infected in Tanzania.

This is their lives and my reason and my purpose for being a part with OHS.


Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony was crazy cool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Michael, thanks for the post. Can't wait til you get here.

–Joe. from Arusha TZ